Sunday, January 06, 2008

More fun with blondes

Going to Orlando?

There was a blonde who had been planning a trip to Orlando for almost a year. She had saved her money and was determined to take this trip. Nothing or no one was going to stand in her way of enjoying something that had taken her so long to plan.

When she boarded the airplane, she settled herself into a first-class seat. It wasn't long until another passenger tapped her on the shoulder and told her she was in his seat.

She adamantly replied, "I am blonde. I have saved for over a year for this trip to Orlando and I am traveling first-class. I will not move." The other passenger complained to the flight attendant. The flight attendant walked up to the blonde and politely asked her to please move to the coach seat that was assigned her.

The blonde again said, "I am blonde. I have saved for over a year for this trip to Orlando and I am traveling first-class. I will not move." The flight attendant stalked up to the Captain and calmly told him what had happened. He said he would handle it.

The Captain leaned over the blonde and whispered in her ear. She immediately gathered her things and hurriedly moved to the back of the airplane.

Both the other passenger and the flight attendant looked at each other in disbelief, and the flight attendant asked the Captain exactly what was it he said that settled this disagreement so readily.

He smiled and replied, "I simply told her the front of the plane was not going to Orlando."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bwahhaha! Reminds me of an ex-girlfriend... One day I asked her if she wanted some saltines, and she said, "No. I need a salty snack."