Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Lavinius and Cooch back from the Midwest!

Just wanted to drop a quick line to tell our loyal fans (*tries to suppress laughter*) that we're back from our trip. It was a solid trip, absolutely rock solid. The travel was killer though. We drove close to 1,700 miles during the 10 day trip. Wore me the Effingham out (note: Effingham is an inside joke between Cooch and I...if Cooch wants to elaborate further, he's got the green light).

While we were on the road, we planned on chronicling the trip day by day. Unfortunately, neither of us Rhode Scholars brought our laptop with us, and instead, we spent $10 on the Hampton Inn's version of WebTV. Think WebTV at sub-28.8 dial-up connections. And we split the $10 to use this "service" for the day. During the course of our 24 hour limit, we tried putting up a blog on how our trip was going. But to make a long story short, putting up the blog was as reliable as Florida's voting system. We couldn't even get the main page to load, much less put up a stinking blog. So that pretty much soured our experience. Neither of us wanted anything to do with the internet after that. And Hampton Inn didn't even give us the common courtesy of a reach around...

Then one night we went to Kinko's to get map directions and for Cooch to check his porn...I mean his mail. I make some random comment about Bank of America and next thing I know, this neo-conservative sitting in our area starts going into a five minute tirade on how Bank of America is the devil. Dude looked like a homeless person, or a person with extremely bad fashion sense...still trying to figure out which. But this guy had an opinion about everything, and once he started talking, he wouldn't shut up.

This is where Cooch steps in. For those that don't know Cooch, this guy isn't afraid to challenge people's views. Next thing you know, he's sparring with him on a vast array of issues. Cooch was hitting Mr. Know-It-All with question after question, asking him to support his mostly absure claims he was throwing out there. The whole time, I'm staying out of it and enjoying Cooch just making an ass out of this guy. They went back and forth for a good 20 minutes. It would have been longer had Cooch not diffused the situation by saying, "On that note, we gotta go..." Good thing Cooch said that, otherwise this fucker would have talked our ear off till three in the morning.

That was just one of the many stories we have from the trip. We might do a daily chronicle, but who knows how easy or hard that will be at this stage...

1 comment:

lavinius said...

Looking back on that mid-west trip, it's safe to say it was a bona fide classic! I'm seriously LMAO while re-reading our account of the journey.