Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Bush's Economic Stankulus, errr Stimulus Plan

"Hey, let's give our taxpayers some cash to blow so our economy will get all stimulated and shit."
- George W. Bizzush poll of ~136,000 people said they will do the following with this new windfall (# of respondents in parenthesis):

I'll pay bills: 50% (67,525)
I'll save it: 19% (25,450)
I'll go shopping: 15% (20,595)
I'm not getting a rebate: 9% (12,313)
Other: 7% (10,078)

Ah, you mean that most people aren't even going to buy new stuff? What kind of economic stimulus plan is this?!


lavinius said...

I'll be spending the money at the local gentleman's establishment to "stimulate" myself.

Anonymous said...

Cooch will be spending his money as follows:

$400 on crank
$500 on hookers