Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The 22 Worst Place Names in the World

Staying far the fuck away from this place:

22. Cockburn, Western Australia
Although this name is often pronounced "Coburn" by those who stand to lose from its awfulness, who actually reads that when they see this word? Oh, how it burns.

On the other hand, these places will receive my touristership:

21. Twatt, Orkney, Shetland Islands, Scotland
The Shetland Islands, pronounced "Shitland Islands" if you have an accent like mine, make up a happy little area north of Scotland where it's too cold for trees to grow. I am related to approximately half the population of the Shetland Islands, share a last name with a quarter of them, and can probably trace my ancestry back to Twatt if I try hard enough. The pride!

19. Muff, Ireland
We here at Drivl love puerile humour. They have a town called Muff. Har har har.

17. Titty Hill, Sussex, England
Falling squarely into the extensive Stupid Place Names From England category, Titty Hill is probably located just north of...

14. Wetwang, Yorkshire... yep! England again!
Okay, so I'll cut England some slack. It's an old country. You know, if the United States is Google, then England is IBM. Their country is older than fucking dirt. They can't be blamed for having names that sound funny in 2007. But this is kind of ridiculous. Wetwang? I'm surprised they don't have towns called Squishy Vagina or Infected Scrotum.

Anybody want to take a stab at this one?

20. Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu, New Zealand

If I ever had to send snail mail there, I'd probably off myself.

The rest of the list...

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