Monday, March 06, 2006

Rest In Peace Kirby!

1 comment:

lavinius said...

What a shocking turn of events between his sudden stroke and now passing. Man, what a sad day. I grew up watching Kirby. He killed the Red Sox on many an occasion-- but I always respected him. Everyone talks about Boggs and Gwynn being the best hitters of the 80's-- but Puckett deserves to be mentioned too.

If there's one thing I love in sports-- it's seeing a guy make the most out of his natural ability. At 5 foot 8 and comfortably over 200 lbs., he wasn't blessed with incredible athletic ability. But he made up for it in spades between the shoulder blades just to the left of the sternum. Guy was fucking HEART personified!

R.I.P. Kirby. You were taken from us far too soon.