Sunday, May 08, 2005

Lavinius's bet w/ his Celtics fan friend, revisited

For those that are not familiar with the backstory and/or are memory deficient and/or suffer from amnesia, allow me to reference the original post, dated February 24, 2005...

TITLE: So I Have a Friend Who is a Celtics Fan
LINK: February 2005 archives- Scroll Down

My buddy has always been a huge Antoine Walker fan. So much so that his poster is absolutely covered with.......but that's besides the point...

Anyway, he's obviously elated that the Celtics got Walker back in a trade. He's been text messaging me expressing his elation. He even went so far as to say that the Celtics could "go further" than Detroit!

For the record, in addition to being a Red Sox, Marlins, and Bills fan, I'm also a Detroit Pistons fan, so this text message was definitely intended on getting a reaction out of me. How did I react, you ask? Here is my text message back to him, verbatim:

"You willing to back that up with more than just a silly claim? 20 bucks. You owe me 20 if the Stons (editor's note: short for "Pistons") go further. I owe you 20 if the C's (editor's note: short for "Celtics") go further. We got a bet?"

The big homer that he is, he replies back with "Sure."

Haha, I love it! I don't think he was expecting me to reply back with a "put your money where your mouth is" ultimatum. With my buddy being a prideful guy, I forced his hand. He would have looked utterly spineless and gutless had he declined. He had no choice but to take the bet, a bet in all likelihood he is going to lose.

I'd be very curious to know how many people outside of the Boston and Detroit areas, and how many non-Boston and non-Detroit fans would have taken that bet with me? I can't imagine it's something that the average neutral observer would have taken me up on.


Well, it's now May 8th, 2005. The Pistons have long since advanced to the 2nd round, while the Celtics, as advertised, have made an early exit. I plan on collecting on my $20 when I go up for my buddy's wedding, the same buddy I made the bet with. I hope him looking me in the eye as a defeated man handing me that crisp Andrew Jackson won't tarnish his wedding day weekend too much...

Ultimately, Twan made them a better team. But he was not going to elevate the Celtics to a championship level. Twan will now most likely leave the Celtics in the off-season and go to another team where he can shoot his trademark 42% from the floor and jack up ill-advised shot after ill advised shot. Happy trails, Twan, and thanks for helping me win $20. I'd give you a share, but you stole enough money from the Celtics already...

Moral of the story: Logical thinking beats emotional thinking everyday of the week and twice on Sunday

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

let's see... antoine had a lower shooting %, lower PPG, less rebounds per game, and less assists per game in the playoffs than his regular season totals, which were - at best - average. we knew this was coming all along... easy money.