BA: .327 (1ST)
RUNS: 107 (1ST)
HITS: 185 (1ST)
OBP: .374 (18TH)
OPS: .863 (21ST)
RBI: 70 (T-29TH)
Dude gets serious consideration based on the first four cats listed, but he checks in with very respectable marks in OBP, OPS, and RBI.
Just checked his game log and I counted 57 multi-hit games! :O
Paul Byrd: "I can't say enough about my second baseman. This guy, in my opinion, is the MVP of the league. He's unbelievable. I didn't know he was that good when I came over here."
Ozzie Guillen: "A lot of people talk about Manny [Ramirez] leaving. I wish Pedroia was leaving" (Pedroia went 9 for 12 in a recent series against the Pale Hose)
From 9/1's post-game recap: Pedroia, who hit .374 in August and closed the month going 9-for-12, scored 33 runs last month, the most for the Red Sox since Dom DiMaggio and Billy Goodwin had 35 in 1950, according to the Elias Sports Bureau.
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